Wednesday, July 24, 2013

You Are What You Eat, and What You Put On Your Skin

We know we need to eat organic whenever possible to be sure we are not ingesting GMO, and even if food is not GMO, toxic pesticides and other chemicals.  Most of these chemicals are fat soluble, so they linger in our body fat for a long time.

But did you know that our skin is a virtual sponge for anything lipid soluble?  The naturally produced oils and sebum form a protective barrier on our outer skin layer (epidermis) that protect us against pathogens and other inorganic toxins we normally come into contact with.  Inorganic toxins**, (that is, they are not hydrocarbons, which all lipids are), therefore, do not readily penetrate the protective lipid barrier of our skin (epidermis), so our intact skin is our first line of defense against environmental bacteria, viruses, etc.

Most conventional cosmetics contain organic substances that can, however, penetrate our protective lipid barrier, and become systemic.  One notable example are parabens, used as a preservative, which are estrogen mimics and can disrupt our hormonal function and possibly contribute to cancer promotion.  Many "natural" products contain herbs and other plant essences, which, if not organic**, likely have been sprayed with pesticide.  Many commercial pesticides belong to the category of organophosphates, which are lipid soluble, can be absorbed by the skin, and are neurotoxins.  (And, are found in conventional produce!).

It so happens that there are more and more non-toxic and/or less toxic alternatives these days!

** fyi, a little chemistry review:  - Organic refers to either: Plants grown without pesticides and other toxic chemicals, OR, chemicals that are hydrocarbons, such as fatty acids.  Inorganic refers to chemicals, such as minerals, which are not hydrocarbons; as opposed on NON-organic, which refers to conventionally grown produce..

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